In a World Full of Replicas…Choose to be Authentic
In a world full of replicas and fast fashion…choose to be authentic.
How many times in your life have you felt like you needed to be a certain someone or act a certain way? Maybe you even have a career where you feel that you can’t act like your self, or you have family members with “certain expectations” that cause you to act and dress differently around them. One of the best things I learned last year was to just be myself, no matter where I am or who I am with.
Last year, I started a new job that brought me into the spotlight of many senior managers at my Agency. I was accustomed to working with senior managers, but not quite like this. The best way I can describe it is similar to being at court at Versailles, where you are in the ‘inner circle’ yet everyone is talking about each other, watching your every move, and vying to get closer to the center of the power. I felt a different type of pressure to act a certain way in order to live up to my new role as a young professional already up against it - I’m female, have long blonde hair, wear stylish clothes and makeup, and have a more energetic personality than the average bureaucrat. But as time went on, things calmed down, and my confidence in my new place ‘at court’ grew as I settled into a groove. For the first time in a long time, I felt like myself and was owning my new position. I wasn’t questioning my abilities. I no longer questioned what I was wearing each day. I allowed myself to take credit for what I earned because of who I already was. And I didn’t need to look or act like someone else to be valuable. In fact, several coworkers said to me, “I respect you because you are a classy woman who has made this role her own,” and, “it’s been so cool to see how you are growing into this position but staying true to who you really are.” Hearing their unsolicited feedback were some of the best, most valuable moments I had that year. But one of the most interesting and frequent pieces of feedback I received from others was how much they appreciated my personal style.
So, how does this relate to fashion? For two reasons, really. But one is super important and makes this an appropriate first blog post.
First: You simply cannot establish your style if you do not know who you truly are. Period. What you buy, what you wear, how your hair and makeup looks, and what jewelry you put on each day is a direct reflection of what makes you, you. What do you love? What makes you happy? What takes you back to a special moment in time? What makes you feel sexy and confident? The answers to these questions should be reflected in your entire wardrobe. If there are things you own that don’t give you that sense of self- toss it out! Moreover, it’s not just about honing in on a single feeling or look - your closet and everything in it should encompass a complete, dynamic picture of you. I mean, some days you want to be sporty and run around in comfortable workout gear, and the next day you may feel like throwing on heels and a full skirt. It happens- And thats fine! Once you’ve done some thinking about what your day-to-day can entail, you can start choosing wardrobe pieces that reflect you, truly and authentically. If you have a big personality and love to go to warm climates, then maybe you are totally into DVF and the bright colored, flowing patterns she brings to the table. Have a dark side with a touch of ballerina type femininity? Perfect - grab a leather jacket and throw that sucker over a pale pink silk maxi dress. There are no rules or wrong answers about your style. The trick is to build your closet and strategically invest in items that serve your needs.
Second: Speaking of authenticity, its always quality and craftsmanship over quantity. What good do multiple $30 sweaters do if you never wear them, or the knock-off purse you bought for $100 that falls apart in two months? It. Is. A. Waste. Stop throwing away your money and your time, and start investing in quality pieces that you are going to wear and love for years to come. I was just speaking to a manager of an iconic brand about how insane the knockoff markets are - they can fake almost anything today, even to the point where the brand sales associates cannot tell a real from a fake themselves. These replicas undermine the true artistry and craftsmanship that goes into making the products from the fashion houses that employ legitimate ateliers. No, I am not suggesting you empty your bank account or go into debt to buy the handbag from YSL you’ve been eying for months, but I am saying that you should be careful and mindful of your purchases aside from the price tag. Isn’t it better to have one incredible bag that you love and that showcases who you are, versus 100 low quality bags that don’t serve you? Choose quality and authenticity each time, and you will end up buying less while developing a more functional, resilient wardrobe.
So, make this year the one where you discover and own your style, and use your purchasing power as a consumer to buy the things that reflect your values.
After all, you’re worth it…right?!